
xiaoyegejitar 2023年2月评论6,087阅读模式


周深 - Rubia (2022时尚先生GENTLEGALA25周年先生之夜现场)
作词 : TetraCalyx
作曲 : 蔡近翰Zoe(HOYO-MiX)
Life blooms like a flower
far away or by the road
waiting for the one
to find the way back home
Rain falls a thousand times
No footprints of come-and-go
You who once went by
where will you belong
I feel your sigh and breath
In the last blow of wind
Not yet for the story on the last page
It's not the end
Life blooms like a flower
far away or by the road
waiting for the one
to find the way back home
Time flows across the world
There is always a longer way to go
Till I reach your arms
a Madder there for you
Up against the stream
waterways will join as one
Tracing to the source
No more strayed or lost
You will see petals fly
when lament becomes carol
Could you please hear my voice
that hungers for a duo
Life blooms like a flower
far away or by the road
waiting for the one
to find the way back home
Time flows across the world
There is always a longer way to go
Till I reach your arms
a Madder there for you
Life blooms like a flower
far away or by the road
waiting for the one
to find the way back home
Time flows across the world
There is always a longer way to go
Till I reach your arms
a Madder there for you




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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月8日 13:00:56
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: