Anson Seabra《Christmas List》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论7,3561阅读模式

《Christmas List》是由Anson Seabra演唱的一首歌曲!原调是Bb、速度为72 节拍为4/4

Anson Seabra - Christmas List

Lyrics by:Anson Long-Seabra/Alex Borel/Colin Foote

There's an an- gel in the snow

She's knoc- king at my door

She's kee- ping my heart wa- rm to- night

And there's a ta- ble set for two

A co- zy lit- tle room

A win- dow with a vi- ew of white

Then you ask me what I want this year

Well I al- rea- dy know

I tried to make my Christ- mas list

But I don't want a sin- gle gift

'Cause I've got e- very- thing I need

So I won't ask for a- ny- thing

No sh- iny toys or fan- cy things

'Cause I've got e- veryt- hing I need

With you here next to me

There's a sleigh up in the sky

With pre- sents pil- ed high

But none of them are mi- ne to- night

'Cause my gift does- n't need a bow

It's per- fect on its own

And I just wan- na ho- ld it tight

So don't ask me what I want this year

'Cause you al- rea- dy know

I tried to make my Christ- mas list

But I don't want a sin- gle gift

'Cause I've got e- very- thing I need

So I won't ask for a- ny- thing

No shi- ny toys or fan- cy things

'Cause I've got e- veryt- hing I need

I could lie and say I want a swea- ter

A ho- li- day to war- mer wea- ther

But that's just not the truth

Be- cause all of San- ta's elves could ne- ver

Make a gift for me that's bet- ter

Than this night with you

I don't want some- thing new

I just want you

I tried to make my Christ- mas list

But I don't want a sin- gle gift

'Cause I've got e- very- thing I need

So I won't ask for a- ny- thing

No shi- ny toys or fan- cy things

'Cause I've got e- veryt- hing I need

With you here next to me

Anson Seabra《Christmas List》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱



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