The Chainsmokers,《All We Know》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论1,431阅读模式

《All We Know》是由The Chainsmokers,演唱的一首歌曲!原调是C、速度为90 节拍为4/4

The Chainsmokers、Phoebe Ryan - All We Know

Written by:Andrew Taggart/Sara Hejellstrom/Nirob Islam

Fighting flames of fire

Hang on- to burn- ing wires

We don't care any- more

Are we fad- ing lo- vers

We keep wast- ing co- lors

May- be we should let this go

We're fal- ling a- part still we hold to- ge- ther

We've pa- ssed the end so we chase for- e- ver

'Cause this is all we know

This feel- ing's all we know

I'll ride my bike up to the world

Down the streets right through the ci- ty

I'll go e- very- where you go

From Chi- ca- go to the coast

You tell me hit this and let's go

Blow the smoke right through the win- dow

'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know

Ne- ver face each other

One be- d dif- ferent covers

We don't care any- more

Two hearts st- ill bea- ting

On with dif- ferent rhy- thms

May- be we should let this go

We're fal- ling a- part still we hold to- ge- ther

We've pa- ssed the end so we chase for- e- ver

'Cause this is all we know

This feel- ing's all we know

I'll ride my bike up to the world

Down the streets right through the ci- ty

I'll go e- very- where you go

From Chi- ca- go to the coast

You tell me hit this and let's go

Blow the smoke right through the win- dow

'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know

'Cause this is all we know

The Chainsmokers,《All We Know》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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