Vance Joy《Riptide》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论2,192阅读模式

《Riptide》是由Vance Joy演唱的一首歌曲!原调是Db、速度为102 节拍为4/4

Riptide - Vance Joy

Lyrics by:Vance Joy

Composed by:Keogh

Produced by:Edwin White/James Keogh/John Castle

I was scared of den- tists and the dark

I was scared of pret- ty girls

And start- ing con- ver- sa- tions

all my friends are turn- ing green

You're the ma- gi- cian's as- sis- tant

In their dreams

Uh ooh ooh oooh

Uh ooh ooh and they come un- stuck

La- dy run- ning down to the rip- tide

Ta- ken a- way to the dark side

I wan- na be your left hand man

I love you when you're sing- ing

That song and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gon- na sing the words wrong

There's this movie that I think you'll like

This guy de- cides to quit his job

And heads to New York Ci- ty

This cow- boy's run- ning from him- self

she's been liv- ing on the hig- hest shelf

Uh ooh ooh oooh

Uh ooh ooh and they come un- stuck

La- dy run- ning down to the rip- tide

Ta- ken a- way to the dark side

I wan- na be your left hand man

I love you when you're sing- ing

That song and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gon- na sing the words wrong

I just wan- na I just wan- na know

If you're gon- na if you're gon- na stay

I just got- ta I just got- ta know

I can't have it I can't have it any o- ther way

I swear she's destin- ed for the screen

Clo- sest thing to Mi- chelle Pfeiff- er

That you've ever seen oh

La- dy run- ning down to the rip- tide

Ta- ken a- way to the dark side

I wanna be your left hand man

I love you when you're sing- ing

That song and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gon- na sing the words wrong

Oh lady run- ning down to the rip- tide

Ta- ken a- way to the dark side

I wanna be your left hand man

I love you when you're sing- ing

That song and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gonna sing the words wrong

Oh lady running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side

I wanna be your left hand man

I love you when you're singing

That song and

I got a lump in my throat because

You're gonna sing the words wrong

I got a lump in my throat

Because you're gonna sing

The words wrong

Vance Joy《Riptide》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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