《Cries In A Distance》是由林俊杰演唱的一首歌曲!原调是C、速度为120 节拍为4/4
Cries In A Distance - 林俊杰 (JJ Lin)
Written by:林俊杰
Cries in a dis- tance
Can't stop the tre- mble
I'm just a- wait- ing my turn
Hi- ding will ne- ver
Save me for- e- ver
The guns gon- na get me for sure
Dear God I pray why won't you be my friend
Come to me and take my hand
Like ma- ma would say
E- very- thing will be ok- ay
All I hear is three two one
The scream from the guns
And then 1 by one
No one gets to run
Some- one's dad or mom
Sis- ter bro- ther and son
No no
All I feel is one two three
My tears start to bleed
Smell of ros- es on my feet
I'feel so- re
I fall
I call
I crawl
Cries in a distance
Can't stop the tremble
I'm just awaiting my turn
Hiding will never
Save me forever
The guns gonna get me for sure
Dear God I pray why won't you be my friend
Come to me and take my hand
Like mama would say
Everything will be okay
All I hear is three two one
The scream from the guns
And then 1 by one
No one gets to run
Someone's dad or mom
Sister brother and son
No no
All I feel is one two three
My tears start to bleed
Smell of roses on my feet
I feel sore
I fall
I call
I crawl
All I hear is three two one
The scream from the guns
And then 1 by one
No one gets to run
Someo- ne's dad or mom
Sis- ter bro- ther and son
All I feel is one two three
My tears start to bleed
Smell of roses on my feet
I'feel sore
I fall
I call
I crawl
I feel sore
I fall
I call
I crawl
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