Andy Tubman《Quiet Inside》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论1,818阅读模式

《Quiet Inside》是由Andy Tubman演唱的一首歌曲!原调是F、速度为65 节拍为4/4

The Jane Doe's - Quiet Inside (Film Version)

I could't make colors match today

I don't know what else to say

Except I tried and they can't say I didn't

I don't like the stuff they're feeding me

They don't like the things I see

But I don't think I need to be forgiven

But I am quiet inside

Though they drag me by a wire

Through the storm that cracks the sky

I am quiet inside

I used to be so hard to find

Rage and tears filled my eyes

But now I believe I see much clearer

My clarity did not come easily

My cell was knocked into me

But now at least I know who's in the mirror

I am quiet inside

Though they drag me by a wire

Through the storm that cracks the sky

I am quiet inside

I am quiet inside

Though they drag me by a wire

Through the storms cracks the sky

Oh I am quiet inside

Ye I'm quiet inside

I am quiet

I couldn't make colors match today

I don't know what else to say

Andy Tubman《Quiet Inside》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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