Leo Sayer《More Than I Can Say》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论4,122阅读模式

《More Than I Can Say》是由Leo Sayer演唱的一首歌曲!原调是Bb、速度为80 节拍为4/4

More Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer

Written by:Jerry Allison/Sonny Curtis

Wh- oa wh- oa

Ye- ah yeah

I love you more than I can say

I'll love you tw- ice as much to- mor- row

Whoa oh

Love you more than I can say

Wh- oa wh- oa

Ye- ah yeah

I miss you eve- ry sin- gle day

Why must my life be filled with sor- row


I love you more than I can say

Ah don't you know I need you so

Oh tell me plea- se

I gotta know

Do you mean to make me cry

Am I just a- not- her guy

Wh- oa wh- oa

Ye- ah yeah

I miss you more than I can say

Why must my life be filled with sor- row


I~love you more than I can say

Oh don't you know I need you so

So tell me please

I gotta know

Do you mean to make me cry

Am I just another guy

Whoa whoa

Yeah yeah

I love you more than I can say

I'll love you twice as much tomorrow

Whoa oh

Love you more than I can say

I love you more than I can say

I love you more than I can say


More than I can say

I'll love you twice as much to mor row

More than I can say

I'll love you twice as much to mor- row

More than I can say

I love you more than I can say

More than I can say

I love you more than words can say

Leo Sayer《More Than I Can Say》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱



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