McCartney《My Valentine》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论1,250阅读模式

《My Valentine》是由McCartney演唱的一首歌曲!原调是Eb、速度为70 节拍为4/4

What if it rained

We didn't care

She said that someday soon

The sun was gonna shine

And she was right

This love of mine

My Valentine

As days and nights

Would pass me by

I tell myself that I was waiting for a sign

Then she appeared

A love so fine

My Valentine

And I will love her for life

And I will never let a day go by

Without remembering the reasons why

She makes me certain

That I can fly

And so I do

Without a care

I know that someday soon the sun is gonna shine

And she'll be there

This love of mine

My Valentine


What if it rained

We didn't care

She said that someday soon

The sun was gonna shine

And she was right

This love of mine

My Valentine

McCartney《My Valentine》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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