We Are Various《Overflowing》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年8月评论1,507阅读模式

《Overflowing》是由We Are Various演唱的一首歌曲!原调是E、速度为75 节拍为4/4

Overflowing - We Are Various

Composed by:Dongyang Liu

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

Am I over my head

Is that something you said

Am I losing my breath

Going crazy

Heart's all over the place

Oh that smile on your face

Why can't I stare away

Is this magic

I can't explain

How I'm feeling

This way

Holding on to last emotions

I can't expect

That you look in

My way

In a way I'm losing senses

I don't know it's a start or the end if you ask

In a way they are the same

And I would do it again

I don't care what you say if you leave or you stay

Any case I'll admit I'm not going away

I'm flowing now falling in and out floating in slow motions

I'm flowing now falling in and out floating in slow motions

Did I drive you away

All the mess that I made

Watching you slip away

I'd rather be dead

I don't know it's a start

Or the end if you ask

In a way they are the same

And I would do it again

I don't care what you say

If you leave or you stay

Any case I'll admit I'm not going away

I'm afraid it's too late that I may've missed my train

Any day I will wait I won't lose you again

I'm flowing now falling in and out floating in slow motions

I'm flowing now falling in and out floating in slow motions

We Are Various《Overflowing》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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