《Shots》是由梦龙演唱的一首歌曲!原调是D、速度为120 节拍为4/4
Shots (Broiler Remix) - Imagine Dragons (梦龙)/Broiler
Lyrics by:Dan Reynolds/Wayne Sermon/Ben McKee/Daniel Platzman
Composed by:Dan Reynolds/Wayne Sermon/Ben McKee/Daniel Platzman
Am I out of touch am I out of my place
When I keep say- in' that I'm look- in' for an emp- ty space
Oh I'm wish- in' you're here but I'm wish- in' you're gone
I can't have you and I'm on- ly gon- na do you wrong
Oh I'm gon- na mess this up oh this is just my luck
Ov- er and ov- er and ov- er a- ga- in
In the mean time we let it go
At the road- side we used to know
We can let this drift a- way
Oh we let this drift a- way
And the- re's always time to change your mind
And the- re's always time to change your mind
And the- re's always time to change your mind
Oh love can you hear me
I'm sor- ry for ev- ery- thing oh ev- ery- thing I've done
From the sec- ond that I was born I think I had a loa- ded gun
And then I shot shot shot a hole through ev- ery- thing I l- oved
Oh I shot shot shot a hole through ev- ery sin- gle thing that I loved
Am I out of luck am I wait- ing to break
When I keep say- in' that I'm look- in' for a way to escape
Oh I'm wish- in' I had what I'm tak- in' for granted
I can't have you and I'm only gonna do you wrong
Oh I'm gonna mess this up oh this is just my luck
Over and over and over again
In the mean time we let it go
At the roadside we used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh we let this drift away
And there's always time to change your mind
And there's always time to change your mind
And there's always time to change your mind ohoh
Can you hear me
I'm sorry for everything oh everything I've done
From the second that I was born I think I had a loaded gun
And then I shot shot shot a hole through everything I loved
Oh I shot shot shot a hole through every single thing that I loved
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