Michael Jackson《Earth Song》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年9月评论1,771阅读模式

《Earth Song》是由Michael Jackson演唱的一首歌曲!原调是B、速度为69 节拍为4/4

Michael Jackson - Earth Song

Lyrics by:Michael Jackson

Composed by:Michael Jackson

Arranged by:Michael Jackson/R.Kelly/Bruce Swedien/Jimmy Jam/Brad Buxer/Terry Lewis/Dallas Austin/Jeremy Lubbock/Johnny Mandel/RENE/Jerry Hey

What about sunrise What a-bout rain What about all the
things that you said we were to gain
What a-bout killing fields Is there a time
What a-bout all the things that you said
was yours and mine Did you ever stop to no-tice
All the blood we've shed be-fore
Did you ever stop to no-tice This
crying Earth these wee-ping shores Ah ooh Ah ooh
What have we've done to the world Look what we've done
What a-bout all the peace that you pledge your on-ly son
What a-bout flowering fields Is there a time What a-bout all
the dreams that you said was yours and mine Did you e-ver
stop to no-tice All the chil-dren dead from
war Did you e-ver stop to notice This crying
Earth these wee-ping shores Ah ooh Ah ooh
I used to dream I used to glance be-yond
the stars Now I don't know where we are Al-
though I know we've dri-fted far Ah ooh Ah ooh Ah ooh Ah ooh
Hey what a-bou-t yes ter-day What a-bout
the se-as The heavens are fall-ing down
I can't e-ven brea-the
What a-bout A-fri-cans I ain't e-ven thro-ugh
What a-bou-t na-ture's worth It's our
planet's womb What a-bout an-i-mals
Turned king-dom to dust
What a-bout el-epha-nts Have we lost their trust
What a-bout cry-ing whales Ra-vag-ing the seas
What a-bout for-est trails Bur-nt de-spite
our pleas What a-bout the ho-ly land Torn
apart by creed What a-bout the com-mon
man Can't we set them free
What a-bout chil-dren dying Can't
you hear them cry Where did we go wrong
Some-one tell me why What a-bout ba-by boy
What a-bout the days What a-bout all
their joy What a-bout the man What a-bout the
cry-ing man What a-bout A-braham
What a-bout death a-gain Do we give a dn Ah ooh Ah ooh

Michael Jackson《Earth Song》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱



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