Sum 41《Still Waiting》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2023年12月评论1,275阅读模式

《Still Waiting》是由Sum 41演唱的一首歌曲!原调是G、速度为192 节拍为4/4

Still Waiting (Explicit) - Sum 41

Written by:Brian Champtaloup Baker/Whibley Deryck Jason/Nori Greig Andrew

So am I still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a good reason

Can't find hope to believe in

Drop dead a bullet to my head

Your words are like a gun in hand

You can't change the state of the nation

We just need some motivation

Three times I see no conviction

Just lies and more contradiction

So tell me what would you say

I'd say it's time to listen

So am I still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a good reason

Can't find hope to believe in

Ignorance and understanding

We're the first ones to jump in line

Out of step for what we believe in

But whos left to start the pleading

How far will we take this

It's not hard to see through the sickness

So tell me what would you say

I'd say it's time to listen

So am I still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a good reason

Can't find hope to believe in

This can't last forever

Time won't make things better

I feel so alone

Can't help myself

And no one knows

If this is worthless

Tell me so

What have we done

We're in a war that can't be won

This can't be real

I don't know what to feel

So am I still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a good reason

Can't find hope to believe in

So am I still waiting

For this world to stop hating

Can't find a good reason

Can't find hope to believe in

Sum 41《Still Waiting》吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱



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