Pajaro Sunrise《Romeo’s Tune》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2024年1月评论902阅读模式

《Romeo's Tune》是由Pajaro Sunrise演唱的一首歌曲!原调是Eb、速度为85 节拍为4/4

Romeo's Tune - Pajaro Sunrise

Lyrics by:Steve Forbert

Composed by:Steve Forbert

Meet me in the middle of the day

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's o- kay

Bring me sou- thern kiss- es from your room

Meet me in the middle of the night

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's alright

Let me smell the moon in your per- fume

Oh gods and years will rise and fall

And there's al- ways some- thing more

Lost in talk I waste my time

And it's all been said be- fore

Fur- ther down be- hind the mas- que- rade

The tears are there

I don't ask for all that much

I just want some- one to care

An- swer right now

Meet me in the middle of the day

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's okay

Come on out be- neath the shin- ing sun

Meet me in the middle of the night

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's al- right

Sneak on out be- neath the stars and run

But ne- ver run

King and queen we must go down

Be- yond the chan- delier

Where I won't have to speak my mind and

You won't have to hear

Shreds of news and a- fter- thoughts and com- pli- cat- ed scenes

Hud- dle down be- hind the light and

Fade like maga- zines

Meet me in the middle of the day

Let me hear you say e- very0 thing's o- kay

Bring me sou- thern kiss- es from your room

Meet me in the middle of the night

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's alright

Let me smell the moon in your perfume

Oh now meet me in the middle of the day

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's o- kay

Let me see you s- mil- ing back at me

Oh now meet me in the middle of the night

Let me hear you say e- very- thing's al- right

Hold me tight and love love is free

Oh love is free

Pajaro Sunrise《Romeo’s Tune》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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