亲宝儿歌-A Is For Apple吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar Q.其它评论10,7652阅读模式
歌名:A Is For Apple  歌手:亲宝儿歌
作词:亲宝儿歌   作曲:亲宝儿歌
调号:G调 节拍:4/4拍  速度=65

A is for apple a a apple
B is for ball b b ball
C is for cat c c cat
D is for dog d d dog
E is for elephant e e elephant
F is for fish f f fish
G is for gorilla g g gorilla
H is for hat h h hat
I is for igloo i i igloo
J is for juice j j juice
K is for kangaroo k k Kangaroo
L is for lion l l lion
M is for monkey m m monkey
N is for no n n no
O is for octopus o o octopus
P is for pig p p pig
Q is for question q q question
R is for ring r r ring
S is for sun s s sun
T is for train t t train
U is for umbrella u u umbrella
V is for van v v van
W is for watch w w watch
X is for box x x box
Y is for yellow y y yellow
Z is for zoo z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about
So many ways to sing a song
So many things for you to learn about
So many ways to sing a song

【感想】: 《亲宝经典儿歌》

亲宝儿歌-A Is For Apple吉他谱G调吉他弹唱谱



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