mj apanay,aren park《Time Machine》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

xiaoyegejitar 2024年11月评论64阅读模式

mj apanay,aren park - Time Machine

Star ing at stars watch ing the moon
Hop ing that one day they'll lead me to you
Wait every night 'cause if a star falls
I'll wish to go back to the times that I loved
Why do the stars shine so bright in the sky
If most of the people are sleeping at night
Why do we only have one chance at life
I wish I could go back in time
Hmmm hmm hmmm
Pictures remind me of things I forgot
But also of all of the things that I've lost
Can't get them back they won't fall from above
So I try to forget all the times that I loved
Why do we remember beautiful lies
We end up regretting them most of our lives
Why do we only have one chance to try
I wish I could go back in time
Each time I fall asleep
I always see you there in my dreams
It's like going back in a time machine
I know when I wake up your time with me will end
So don't let me fall asleep
I don't wanna meet you there in my dreams
I know that we'll never build a time machine
It's time for me to try and wake up again
I fall asleep
But honestly
I wanna see you in my dreams
I'm trying to wake up again

mj apanay,aren park《Time Machine》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱



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